Saturday, March 14, 2015

Happy 1 Month, Lorelei!

Lorelei turned 1 month old on March 11th!  I can't believe that she's already a month old.  I also can't believe that she's only been in our earthly family for 1 month.  It has been exhausting and wonderful all at the same time.  Having 2 kids under 2 is no joke.  It's pretty taxing sometimes.  But as hard as it can be sometimes, it is equally amazing to see them interact, learn, and be loved by two different littles at the same time.

I'll write a more detailed post a bit later when I've got some free time.  But for now, here's a little slide show of pictures I've taken of Lorelei over the past month.  If you've seen the previous post-- you've seen a lot of the pictures.  It's easier to add pictures to a slide show than actually type things out  :) But there are so many quirky little things and experiences that I want to be able to remember, so there will be one to follow shortly!

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