Saturday, September 27, 2014

A Little Baby Girl!

So, primarily my posts have focused on our daily events or the happenings of Jimmie.  I thought this little baby #2 deserved a bit of attention, too! Should you choose to read this one…you get to hear all about the ramblings of our journey ;) Today we had our "20 week Ultrasound"…which is what they call the Anatomical Scan that they normally do around now even if you're not exactly 20 weeks.  They just want to go through and measure everything, count everything, make sure things are looking good, and typically, if you haven't already found out, this is when you find out the gender!

This one is a little more fun for us because it's at the hospital.  A clearer machine with a better picture that they project up onto a TV so that I can actually see what's going on.  We've been lucky enough to have a Dr.'s office and insurance that will let you have an in-office ultrasound whenever you want at no extra charge.  So of course, we like to look at the baby for a few minutes every time we go to the doctors.  I can't normally see much though and it's normally pretty grainy.  I pride myself on being able to very clearly understand ultrasound pictures…but these are even a little challenging for me :)

So this was a fun one!  I, of course, was a bit of a nervous wreck leading up to it…
I've always been a bit apprehensive about how things are going in this pregnancy since the very beginning when things were looking uncertain.  With Jimmie, I was just elated and excited, I never really stopped to think about things that could go wrong.  Since then I've read so many articles, seen so many stories, talk to so many Mom's that my eyes have been opened a bit more to the million and ten things that could go wrong.  Always makes me a little nervous when the ultrasound tech pauses a little longer than normal…takes a few more views that she would normally.  

…but the fabulous news is, everything is looking normal and healthy!

Profile shot- head on right side, torso on the left. 

In fact, even better (in my opinion) than expected.  For those of you who don't know, early on in the pregnancy at our first ultrasound, they could not find the baby at all (and they should have been able to).  The Dr. was highly suspicious of a miscarriage, as I was absolutely certain of my dates,  so we went through blood work testing to check for this.  For a few days, we grieved the loss of our unborn child and were totally heartbroken over it.  My heart goes out to everyone who has ever had to experience the terrible loss of a child.  It was so unnerving and painful that very rarely have I talked about it to many until now.  
However, towards the end of the week, tests were showing up within increasing hormone levels that would correspond with continuing pregnancy.  Doctors were concerned that it could be an ectopic pregnancy and sent me for an emergency ultrasound on the 4th of July.  

Turns out there was a little baby in there, clear as day. But measuring significantly smaller than we'd thought.  The baby measured exactly 2 weeks smaller than what we'd thought I should be.  A bit later at a follow up Dr.'s appointment, she pushed my due date back even farther by another 4 or 5 days.  
My due date went from January 31 to February 17.  2.5 weeks is a pretty big difference!

Still certain of what my due date should be, the baby being so small was very concerning to me.  My mind would race over all of the possibilities of WHY and would this baby develop at a normal, healthy rate?  We waited a bit longer than planned to tell extended family because of the uncertainty.  

But today, I feel a little bit better.  A little less un-easy.  No health problems visible, all body parts accounted for.  And the baby is a wonderful size.  From all accounts and measurements, the baby is measuring 20 weeks 6 days.  My current due date of February 17 would put me at 19 weeks 1 day.  So essentially, the baby is measuring just about 2 weeks BIGGER than she should be.  And THAT sits well with me.  Just as she should be.  I don't know if the doctor will change the due date or not. 

Does a due date really matter?  This baby is gonna come when she wants to.  Jimmie came a week early, so we are fully anticipating this baby to arrive anywhere from the end of January to mid-February.  

This shot makes me laugh.  Some may have a hard time seeing it, but these are her little feet crossed.  
She had her legs crossed the WHOLE time.  Closed and crossed.  Like a proper little young lady.
Of course, the ultrasound tech didn't really appreciate this as it took her probably a good 20 minutes to be able to get a good shot.  She was pretty sure but wanted one more view.  So I got up, moved around, went to the bathroom, all to get her to move.  And sure enough, she was able to get a good shot of the gender.  

You can kind see the crossed legs here.  The leg 2 is obviously sticking straight down, the little circle right next to it is the other knee. The other leg is crossed behind leg 2 and in the shadows of the picture.

I'm writing this on Wednesday.  Which means, I KNOW the gender.  Most of you know, we weren't going to find out the gender at the ultrasound…instead have her write it down, have Megan (my sister) look, and help us with a gender reveal.  
Well, though we resisted the urge to look through the whole time little miss was being difficult…they burn all of the images onto a CD for you at the end. We were done, up, and ready to go when the CD finished and *POP* up jumps the last image on the CD onto the TV and screen.
It just so happens that it was the gender shot with the words, clear as day…
"GIRL!!" written across the picture.  
Ultrasound tech: "Oh no!! Don't look!"

Too late.  We walked out of the room, looked at each other… 
"So did you see?"
"Yup, did you?"
"Yup…we're having a girl!!"

(Giving a little thumbs up for being a girl!  Hah!)

Still exciting, just a little different than we had planned. Haha!

We will still be having the gender reveal on Saturday when Megan comes down to visit.  I'd like to take some family pictures, and I think this would be a fun way to do it and announce to others.
Of course it is a little funny to see everyone make their guesses and know who is right and who is wrong ;)  Cruel, but fun. 

Some people really struggle to see this, but I really love it. The white marker on the right touches the point of her nose.  The marker on the left touches the bottom of her chin.  You can see at the nose area one little nostril, and between the two markers those two little lips.  
She's actually also got her hands up by her face.  Her hand is right over her eye-area.  
These are obviously easier for me to see because I watched as they were being taken so I saw all around, before and after this shot, to help fill the picture. 

So here's a little introduction about our baby girl from what I've experienced so far:

I love sweets
With Jimmie, sweets were not too appetizing.  Now it's about all I can eat and all I want.  Jimmie wanted greasy, salty foods like burgers and burritos.  This girl wants ice cream, and milkshakes, and fruit, and yogurt, and cupcakes… you name it.  I want it.  Candy. Lots of candy.
And Otterpops.  For the love… I do not even like otter pops!  But I think it got me through about 3 weeks straight of pregnancy.  

 I'm a prankster
Between hiding and giving us a scare in the beginning and being a stubborn little thing with her legs crossed at the hospital today… I'm convinced this sweet angel is up to no good!! ;)

I love mustard
GROSS. Mustard is just gross.  But for some reason I find myself looking for anything sweet or that I can cover in mustard. 
 Pretzels? Okay, but with some mustard. 
Tater tots? Fine, but just smother them in mustard.
Home-made cheese sauce for pasta?  Yes! But add a bunch of mustard please.
Mustard?  Yes, and I'll have that with a side of mustard, please. 
It's weird. 

I love to move!
I know they say you can sometimes feel the baby earlier with the second. But I swear I was feeling movement as early as 14-15 weeks!  Kicks and flips have obviously become much stronger, noticeable, and frequent now that I'm farther along but there were several times early on when I got a few, very clear, go jabs in the side from her.  One of which was a time when her brother accidentally hit my stomach.  Oops!  She can hold her own..she kicked back.

I love the right side
This was another way I knew this pregnancy was way different than with Jimmie.  Jimmie always hung out on my left side.  This one is always partying it up on my right side.  

I'm sweet
In the weeks leading up to this ultrasound, I was very nervous as I thought about everything that could go wrong and things I was uncertain of.  But this baby was awesome and kept giving me little kicks and nudges when I started to feel the worst…sad, scared, impatient.  Her timing was excellent.  It always made me relax and laugh a bit.  

I'm obviously not posting this until AFTER the reveal, so I'll finish this post a little bit later.


We had intended to drive up into the mountains, look at all the beautiful fall leaves, and maybe take some pictures up there.  Unfortunately it's been raining/will continue to be rainy for several days.  We caught a tiny cloud break so ventured down to the park at the end of the road to snap a few photos.  Here are a few that we got :)  Meg came down from Idaho for a day to visit and was kind enough to snap some shots for us.  We got a bunch of cute ones of her too, but I'll let her share those with you :)

Our little (growing) family

Somewhere between 19-21 weeks since we don't really know for sure, haha!

Pink Silly String fight! 

Maybe he's not as thrilled that it's a girl...

Playing at the playground after

He loves his aunt Meg!

Meg & I 

Loving the swings!
And those funny little teeth.

So sweet. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Day in Salt Lake

Megan has come back out west to head back to school in Rexburg, ID.  She flew into Salt Lake City, so we drove up to meet her up there and spend some time together before she drove up to Idaho with a friend. 
It was really great to be out of the house for the day and visit, but it also turned out to be a very long day for us.  We ended up being out for the majority of the day.  I think we need to start out on shorter outings and work up to all day outings.  I get very tired, very quickly nowadays and am suffering severely from pregnancy brain ;) That lack of thinking straight seems to make the day much longer than it needs to be.

We got to walk around temple square and City Creek Mall, grab some lunch, and visit

Aunt Meg and Jimmie at the Salt Lake Temple.  Turns out they dressed to match

Or root for the Denver Broncos ;)

Mommy & Jimmie

A little closer up

What a stud. 

Jimmie loved running around temple square.  Now that he's been wearing his big clunky sneakers, he loves to just stomp around everywhere we go.  He's quite proud of himself I think.

It was also great to have Aunt Meg willing to follow him around and let him explore.  A great exercise!

We took a ton of pictures :)

Tried to get a group shot with Jimmie...

He just always wants to be the center of attention ;)

Myself and Meg

Doing some more 'splorin

He just sure loves to push his stroller.  What a big kid.
After dropping Megan off in Kaysville (a bit north of SLC), we continued to the next town up to Layton where we have some friends that we met at the park.
My friend Kari has a little boy Wesley who is just 25 days younger than Jimmie 
(though you may not guess that from these photos)
They're still kind of at the age where they just do their own thing…not overly fascinated with each other.  But for the few moments that they did interact, they sure thought they were pretty funny!

Look how cute these two are!

He was fascinated with the wood chips at the park.  

He also loved to gather sticks. I could not keep up with him!

Little angels. 

Kari took this shot of me feeding W.  I thought I'd include it since you can kinda see the little baby bump there.

 I had been sick for the week prior and was just starting to recover.  I thought that Jimmie had escaped being sick but the next day he started getting a runny nose and sleeping weird.  I guess he came down with my cold, but I sure don't mind his snuggles!

His room just became a disaster every day.  He has so much stuff, it's impossible to keep it clean.  Finally, feeling a bit better on Monday, Jimmie and I spent the day deep cleaning his room and organizing his toys.  Now we can keep it somewhat clean, haha!  It just feels so much less cluttered and wonderful.

A not as flattering shot from today.  Nonetheless, I feel like I should document this pregnancy.  I was way better at it last time.  Anyway, today I'm 18 weeks, 1 day.  Not looking "huge" but so startling to me as I looked back at old pictures from being pregnant with Jimmie.  I was about this big when I was about 25 weeks.   I guess second pregnancies really are different!

I'm feeling great and seem to have more energy than ever (on most days).  We have an appointment on September 24th (a week from today) for an in-depth ultrasound.  We will have the doctor write down the gender of the baby and have a gender reveal that weekend when Megan comes down to visit.  
We are pretty excited for that!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Shutterfly Books

This last weekend, I've been catching up on my scrapbooking.  And by scrapbooking… I mean digital scrapbooking via Shutterfly.  I've been having a lot of fun looking back over everything that we've done over the last year!  I'm not fully caught up through summer yet, but it's a start.  Thought I'd share some of our favorite memories through our books.  (They may take a while to load on the blog… you may want to click to view it larger on the actual website)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Here and There throughout Summer

I've really skipped a lot of things this summer and now just have a ton of pictures from throughout the summer that don't necessarily go with one theme or another.  So here are some random pictures from throughout the summer…all the way back from the beginning of June!  They're not necessarily in order, but most of them are.

He just looks so big here.. and this was months ago!

I've loved having a job where I can work at home.  We have a pretty big yard on both sides of our apartment so on the nice (not TOO hot) days, we've been able to go outside… Mom brings a lawn chair, the laptop, and sits in the shade while Jimmie gets to run around outside.  It's pretty fun!  It's a bit more difficult now that he can run, but it was very convenient while it lasted!

Love getting to work on some art projects… Jimmie got finger paints for his birthday.  And boy, they're so fun!

Still loving these little baskets…what a ham. 

For Father's Day (well, the day before) we went over to Orem's Summer Carnival.  It was a lot of fun and Jimmie quite liked the carousel! 

He sure is a good Daddy!!

Loving his stuffed animals..

Just going to work like Daddy with his badge...

Free Chick-Fil-A day… he did have more cow spots on ;)

aaaand free slurpee day.

Sometimes… days are pretty hard.   And so the tantrums begin.

Mid-June we found out we were expecting another baby!

(This ultrasound was actually July 4)

Of course…we told Jimmie that he's going to be a Big Brother and that there was a baby in Mommy's tummy….so this is what I get at LEAST 3 times a day…
Looking to see if he can see the baby in Mom's tummy.  
He's just always gotta make sure my tummy is still there and would like me to leave my shirt up. 

We told our family earlier, but after 13 weeks, we decided we would share the news with others in a fun way.  It was way too much fun to take these pictures, I had to share a few.  Easy enough…my baking coat + a piece of computer paper wrapped in a circle with some tissue paper on top. 
I think he makes one cute chef!!

Here's our actual announcement for baby #2:


He loves these sun glasses!

Getting so big!

So happy when he wakes up in the morning!

Not sure why he decided to lay like this… he sandwiched himself between the couch and ottoman.

Just driving around with all my pals.

Just trying out some 'sghetti for the first time

Growing too much :(

We've rearranged our house.  Finally got a baby gate to keep Mr. Destructor out.  We can't drill into the cabinets and so far no other baby proofing has worked.  We need every drawer/cupboard available in our little place so we just block it off.  It's been so great!

We also got some great furniture from my aunt and uncle, Bruce and Jennifer Himes, that they were getting rid of.  We are LOVING them!! So blessed to have such generous people in our lives!
I have never had a rocker recliner before and was really wanting one with this next baby.  Low and behold she sends me a message a few days after we found out before anyone else knew!  It was great timing. 

Just because you can fit…doesn't mean you should sit.

We've been fighting off colds and sickness over here the last few weeks.  

A pregnant shot at about… 16 weeks?  
We had a Dr. appt and ultrasound at 15+ weeks but didn't get any new pictures.
The doctor couldn't be SURE of the gender.  
We have a more accurate, in-depth ultrasound at the hospital on the 24th of this month,
so we will know the gender some time after that!

Jimmie is becoming more and more independent every day…just brushing his hair.

Exploring outside in his big boy sneakers. 

A little snapshot of his 3 awkward teeth. Love 'em!

Just trying out a dum-dum from the bank.  He really did like it!

Doing some reading on his own

Check out my sweet shirt from Aunt Kim!

Check out my big boy sneakers...

And he loves relaxing in the tub!

That's all we've got for now!  Jimmie continues to get bigger and more independent every day.  Unfortunately he is already entering the stage of getting so frustrated because he wants to be independent and cant communicate through words yet.  That's resulting in tantrums, hitting, biting, screaming… all the fun stuff!  He is a good little helper though and so fun to play with every day :) even when he is being a total stinker!!