Tuesday, October 21, 2014

October Happenings

October has been a fun month. In the beginning of the month, Jimmie and I had the chance to go up to Idaho Falls to visit my grandparents and family up there.  It's always a lot of fun to go see them and also spend some time with Megan.
Stopping at a rest stop on the way up! Just chugging some applesauce...

Exploring the whole place! He did really well on the 4 hour drive.  We only had to stop once about half way through at the rest stop before Malad. Got out, had lunch, and let him run for 30 minutes…back in the car we went!

He's still rear-facing most of the time but we turned him around for this trip to make things run a little bit more smoothly.  Legally he's allowed to face forward…I just think it's safer to keep him the other way most of the time :)  He quite liked it. 

Picked up Meg in Rexburg and got to see a bit of BYUi (okay, we saw the Crossroads…the food place), saw her apartment, and met a few of her roommates.

Great Grandma and Jimmie reading one of his favorite books!

Playing Rook and eating lots of candy…oops.

Not complete, without a root beer float! Not sure why I documented this…I guess it's been a long time since I've had one!

A happy little boy on a Saturday morning!!

Watching LDS General Conference.  Jimmie's enjoying it.

Grandpa enjoyed it too…and apparently was doing some very deep pondering in his sleep since he fell asleep like this.  Haha!

It was fun to sit in the back with this guy when we went out! 

Here are a few random shots from hanging out at home: 

How could you say no to that face...

Jimmie's got his own video game controller that doesn't work.  He likes thinking he's playing with Daddy :)

And he likes to use Daddy's keyboard.  Who wouldn't like something that makes obnoxiously loud clicking noises and lights up?? ;)

He loves his little table.  Color requires a LOT of concentration apparently...

He's been very snuggly recently, and I love it!

We also decided on a name for little baby girl.  If you'd like to know, you're welcome to ask and we will tell you.  But for now, on social media, I'll just call her Baby L and let you wonder :)  In recent weeks, I've spent a decent amount of time learning about all the little girl things that are out there and the new products for babies on the market.  Mainly trying to figure out what we don't have but would be helpful with two babies (like a double stroller for instance).  Of course, I'm always keeping my eyes peeled for cute little girl things but have (so far) been relatively successful at restraining myself from buying every bow and ruffle that I see.  I have gotten a few great deals though.  This may have been the only time that I've ever been happy to wash and fold clothes since the last time we got new baby clothes ;)

And did I mention, she really likes sweets?  These banana chocolate chip cupcakes with peanut butter frosting did not last long.  It was fun to bake!  It's been a while since I've done that.

On the 18th we decided to start getting into the Fall spirit a little bit more and went over to McCoard's Garden Center (Provo) for some pumpkin picking!  They have a lot of fun things to do there.  If you want to spend money, they have 3 crazy corn mazes, zombie paintball, and a bunch of other cool things.  But they also have a bunch of kid friendly, free activities (woohoo!)  There were photo ops, a duck race, pumpkin picking, and of course, a fabulous corn box to play in.  Jimmie liked the corn box and running around through the field with Daddy most of all.  In front of the garden center is a little playground made out of giant tires, which I assume is there all year round.  Jimmie quite liked that as well!
Jimmie loved the slide!

And the big tires

Hand on hip?! Look at that attitude. 

Daddy and Jimmie

Duck water race

Corn box!

What is this "hay"?

A pumpkin just his size!

Today we had an ultrasound appointment at the hospital with a high-risk doctor to do a follow up ultrasound.  At the 20 week scan they found a choroid plexus cyst on her brain and needed to make sure it was nothing to be concerned about.  Often these cysts are found in babies with Trisomy 18 or Trisomy 21 (down syndrome).  However, it's not uncommon for a perfectly healthy baby to develop one of these just as a fluke and have it disappear over time.  Because they didn't see any other indicators or any other cysts, they weren't overly concerned, but it needed to be done as a precaution.

We found out that the cyst had resolved itself and there were absolutely no other indicators or markers that would suggest complications or health problem. Baby girl is growing at a wonderful, strong rate, and all systems (especially her heart) appear to be in perfect condition.  From all accounts, everything is looking like a normal pregnancy without complications.

As far as the due date, well, will we ever know really?  She's going to come when she wants to.  This doctor suggested not moving the due date, but keeping it at February 17 since the 1st trimester measurement is the most accurate.  As baby grows, the difference in dates:sizes changes and varies.  Today it was about a 10 day difference in size from where Feb 17th puts me and what baby measured.
So, current due date puts me at 23 weeks, 0 days.  Baby is measuring 24 weeks 2 days.  Beginning of February is my best guess.

Jimmie was pretty happy that he got some Goldfish

I thought that we had gotten a disc with digital images that they took at the ultrasound because that's what they normally do.  However, when I got on to upload the pictures, I found out it was a DVD.  It was a pretty great surprise!  I thought I'd share one of my favorite little clips of it.  
The doctor went for a profile shot and she decided to let us know, she was sleepy…just like we all were.  She's fitting in well already!  (Sorry it's a little jumpy…after she did it, the tech went backwards to show us again in case we missed it)

Jimmie, of course, is growing like crazy and just a crack up.  His absolute favorite thing to do right now is climb up on your lap and read a book.  Well not a book…more like 1 of 4 that we read over and over again.  But it doesn't matter…at least we're reading! Today he has just wanted to "read" so he can climb up on my lap and give me kisses.  Then he's done with the book and wants to go play.  I don't mind, I'll take those huge slobbery kisses any time he wants to give them!!

It's a little crazy to realize he will be 17 months at the end of this month.  Where has the time gone?! He still has the smile of a jack-o-lantern, with his odd little teeth growing in whenever they want…but I think we're getting there!   He's got 2 bottom front teeth and those have got company on either side.  They've broken through and it almost looks like he's got 4 little teeth on the bottom when he smiles.  Of course, the top is funny still.  We've got the one on the side all the way in and then his two front teeth have broken through, but aren't overly visible yet.  He's also got another side tooth that's popped through, and one molar??  I tell you. There is absolutely no rhyme or reason.  Most of them you can't see well though even though they've come through. It will be exciting to see what this turns in to.  For now, I'll just start a savings account for braces and keep letting him enjoy brushing those little teeth!

 We are excited for Halloween, though I doubt we will trick-or-treat for very long.  Jimmie and I are going to be giraffes.   Shocking, I know!  We don't have hardly anything giraffe around here ;)
It just so happens that I have had a giraffe costume that I randomly got as a joke my freshman year of college and I've just kept it around in case I ever need a last minute costume.  Well, we went into the little consignment shop for kids to find something to fit Jimmie…and what do you know!  The first thing Jim spots was basically the exact same giraffe costume in size 2T.  Jim spotted it and we just couldn't pass it up!! It still makes me laugh to think about.  What a coincidence.  Here's a little preview:

I'm sure by the end of the month we will have more pictures of carving pumpkins and going trick-or-treating.  But we'll get to that a little later!  I have a million funny videos from just the last few weeks that I should upload.  Maybe I'll get to another post a little later :)  For now, I've got a lot of work to do and a boy to put to bed!