Friday, April 29, 2016

Potty Training & April Activities

April was an interesting month!
Mom & Dad left on the 6th for a long vacation. They started by going to Idaho for Megan's graduation from BYU Idaho and continued on from there to Hawaii!
They were gone from the 6th-27th which was an adventure for us for sure. It was interesting to see how we were able to juggle my two kids, substituting, 3 separate bouts of sickness, Evan's schedule of a busy (almost) teenager, potty training Jimmie, and trying to keep up with regular life!

We definitely had some *rough* moments, but all in all, we survived.

Here's a few random shots of Miss Lorelei from around the house. She's a pretty big ham.

Sportin' her pigtails

Playing with a normal

Post - pigtails hair

Mommy & Lorelei all ready for church!

We went to the Pinelands Library for the first time! Jimmie and Lorelei thought it was fabulous.  They loved bringing books home and especially loved the puzzles and toys there.

Jimmie got another much-needed haircut!

During the middle of the month we had some beautiful days outside. It was only in the high sixties, but the sun was out and it was hot! So we broke out the swim suits and the water table + sprinklers. It was a very fun day!!

Jimmie really liked his sprinkler a lot more than he did last year. He's not scared of it anymore! He thought it was so funny to run through the water.

Lorelei loves this little bunny.  She obviously had just woken up here, but still had all smiles!

I can't really handle how big she's gotten! 
I mean...compared to this picture with her bunny...
She's a whole new person! What a difference a year will make.

And she definitely has a personality of her own.  She is very much a rough n' tumble little girl who likes to do whatever her brother is doing and steal all of his toys.
Like his cars that she loves to play with!

She's all over the place

But even though they steal each other's toys, they couldn't be better friends.
It melts my heart.
This was one of those cute moments that you remember. Lorelei and myself were both a little grumpy this morning. She in particular was throwing tantrum after tantrum. When I suggested that she needed to go back to bed Jimmie suggested that maybe she doesn't need to go to sleep... maybe she just needs a hug.  
Thanks for reminding me, buddy. You're a great brother.

Speaking of which, this guy is potty trained! He was pretty excited about his big boy underwear!

I fully anticipated this being a complete disaster but it went very smoothly. I was prepared with M&Ms as rewards and special character underwear and sticker charts...but he didn't want to do them. Just regular stuff was good. This kid cracks me up.
In the last week we've worked on moving from the little potty to going on a "big potty" and he's doing very well. So proud and impressed with him. And he's obviously pretty proud of himself too ;)

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