Wednesday, April 27, 2016

February Fun: Fitness, Freezing Rain, Forts, Fevers & Fashion!

In February we...

...finished up our 8 week fitness challenge

This is the second time our family has done this, but the first time I was pregnant so I couldn't participate as fully since I had my own restrictions.
It was awesome. Very attainable, though challenging at time, but perfect for someone like me who is not a fitness expert and has a busy schedule. Of course, the monetary incentive didn't hurt ;)

In the end, I was proud of the results. I ended up losing 15 lbs and winning the weight loss portion of our competition.

(Pictured- Left: "Nice"cream- NO artificial sugars! All this is is frozen strawberries, frozen bananas, milk, cocoa powder, and a little bit of vanilla. 
Right-Substituting is fun but EXTRA nice when you can substitute for P.E. teacher and get your exercise in when you work.)

...played outside in ALL kinds of weather!

These kids are rough and tumble... particularly the girl in the purple jacket.

Rain or shine, freezing or sweltering, these kids just want to play outside.

And Jimmie loves to ride his "motorcycle"

Thankfully, they have an awesome Grandma who is nice enough to brave the crumby weather with them! 

...built some awesome blanket forts!

 Because playing in the rain is fun, but sometimes you just need to have some fun, inside time together when it's cold outside.

...dabbled in fashion & managed some fevers

Poor Lorelei had a REAL rough Sunday one week enough that we went home after Sacrament meeting. I'd never heard her scream like that before. She wasn't feeling well, which seems to be becoming more of the norm around here recently. BUT SHE LOOKED DANG CUTE. 

When she woke up from her nap, she was excited to go explore outside.
I'm a little biased since I gave her dress for her first birthday, but I think she rocks it.
It's from Target. 

Loving the swings like always!

Having a girl is fun because you can do all of the accessories and the different styles of clothes available. Jim's mom pointed out this no-sew headband that she saw on Facebook. I thought I'd give it a try using an old tank top that I was getting rid of.  Literally 2 minutes to make. Adorable, yes?

And a few more cute ones for the road... :)

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