Wednesday, April 27, 2016

March Madness

A very happy 12th birthday to this kiddo.  At the end of February and beginning of March our household went thorough a REAL rough bout of sickness.  Everyone got it to some extent. Mom & Dad were basically bedridden for a week. Evan's birthday happened to fall right at the end of that so, despite the crazy sickness all around, I threw together this cake. Definitely a little makeshift, but fun and whimsical like this brother of mine. 

March was a month FULL of transitions for Jimmie. We said goodbye to his Wubbanub, which is his binky. We talked about how he was a big boy now and that binks are for babies.  We decided the best way to say goodbye would be to pack him up and send him to some babies that could use a binky. We wrote a little note, Jimmie drew a picture, and we packed him up in a box and put it in the mail. (I later went out and got it from the mailbox because I didn't ACTUALLY want to send it away since I'd like to keep it as a memory. Jimmie is obsessed with the mail truck and it was fun for him to know that binky got to go for a ride on the mail truck.

Jimmie has been sleeping in his toddler bed (which was his crib on the lowest setting & the side removed). In March, he transitioned from this bed to a full size bed that was already in his room. It took a little bit, but it didn't take TOO long for him to catch on and love his new bed. 
We've also started a new bedtime routine which he's become very dependent on.  He's found his love for reading and wants to read about 7 books as well as scriptures each night. It's adorable to watch him grow and know exactly what's going on and what's supposed to be happening. He's the first to remind me if we forget to pray and bless the food or if we forget anything, really.  

Jimmie loves this tricycle.  He goes all around on it.  He doesn't pedal, he walks around pushing off the ground. He calls it his motorcycle. Ha! And I love that it keeps him occupied and exploring ;)
Side note: Have I mentioned how much I love these NJ trees??

Evan has REALLY been wanting to raise some chickens around here.  He was lucky enough to get a Chicken Coop for his birthday. We'll be getting chickens sometime this next month!

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