Monday, May 9, 2016

March Relief Society Activity: Water

Since about October (I think) I've had the opportunity to serve in the Relief Society presidency. Though there are many assignments that comes with this calling, one of my primary responsibilities is overseeing the monthly activities--which I've LOVED!!

We've also tried to switch things up a bit to allow for more people to come. Instead of just having it on one night of the month, we have (most months) been doing 1 night activity and the same activity the next morning for those who can only come during the day. 

Our theme(s) for this year: Self Reliance & Emergency Preparedness
By no means am I an expert in this field. If anything, I'm largely clueless with a lot of it. So I have especially loved needing to research/prepare/teach/learn all about these things! We've done all kinds of topics and I can't wait to see what we come up with for the future.

One of my goals: be better at taking pictures to document all of the wonderful things we do!
So for now, I'll just explain a few of the most recent activities.

I make all of my flyers for activities on I'm not associated with them at all, I just think their program is extremely user friendly and very convenient!

In March we did an activity "all about water". Thinking about it...could you make an activity sound more boring? Ha! 
"What are we doing on Tuesday?"
"Oh we're talking about water"

We started off with a relay race competition where each team had a cup of water on one end and an empty cup on the other end of the gym. Teams had to race (relay style) to get as much water to the empty cup by using a regular table spoon. Whichever team collected the most at the end of the time got to choose from the prize bowl. This game was a fun tie in by our Relief Society president who related it back to our topic by explaining that in any kind of situation where you need your don't want to be scrounging for water and having to ration what you can drink and use.  We saw how long it took to collect such a small amount of water, I would hate to be in that situation of having such limited water. For prizes we gave away little trinkets to throw into 72 hour kits. (fire starters, paracord bracelets, emergency blankets, etc)

In our "lesson" segment, we talked briefly about why it's important. For something as simple as power outage, backup water is crucial. It's easy to forget how much we use it! Brought in different household items as a visual to show just how much you actually use water for. Making food, washing dishes, washing anything (can you say hygiene?), taking medicine, feeding pets, etc.

Mainly the how to do it.
We talked about what you can store water in, how long you can store water, what you need to do to the container before storing the water, etc. 
We showed different strategies and tools to purify water. We demonstrated how to make a filter out of   very basic and easy to find materials in a pinch...using moss, rocks, sand, etc. Though it doesn't "purify" it, filtering out any debris made it easier for us to purify it.

I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot of things we did. All in all, it was a blast. It was fun to be able to discuss any questions and experiences we've had, play games, learn and enjoy each other's company.

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