Saturday, May 31, 2014

Birthdays, School, and Welcoming Summer!

May is always a fun and busy month.  The weather is (almost always) nice, warm, and sunny.  This month was no exception.  We've had great weather and great memories.

The 26th was my 23rd birthday and Memorial Day.  I've always loved that my birthday falls on or near that summer time, 3 day weekend.  This year was no exception.  On the Friday before my birthday we (5th grade) took a walking field trip to the cemetery near the school and a WWII memorial.  There were volunteers setting up crosses and flags for all of the veterans in the city of Orem who have passed.  It was a great time of reflection and teaching.  As we were about to leave, one of the veteran volunteers told us that he was also a bugle player in the military.  He played all of the different songs and calls that they use.  It was so cool to be able to talk to the veterans and hear the songs.

On actual Memorial, it was my birthday and we spent the day just hanging out at home.  We went to take some pictures in the morning.  Some family pictures, some one year pictures of Jimmie since his actual birthday will be busy.  In the afternoon, Ally and Bob came over for a little Memorial day (indoor) picnic.  We had so much good food and made some burgers for the first time in a long time.  I forgot how good they were!  It was nice to have the day off from work and stay home to hang with my favorite people.  Here are a few shots from Monday.

You can tell he was THRILLED to be taking pictures with me.  Haha!

A party hat for each of us. 

He also decided it'd be better to eat all of the party hats.  Hence the red all over his chin.

Mommy & Jimmie pictures

It was Memorial Day.  We couldn't pass up these red, white, and blue things that we passed!

A happy one year old!

He's ticklish.

He's conquered his fear of grass

And likes hanging upside down

And walking!!

A close up of the chalkboard

A Family Picture!

Loves to hold Mommy's hand while walking.

The rest of the week was a lot of fun.  As it was the last week of school so we had a lot of fun activities planned.  We had a dance festival, ice cream parties, movie days, assemblies, a 3k run and a field day.  The last day of school was  yesterday when we had a half day and a faculty luncheon.  It's great to be finished with school, but a little sad that I won't get to see some of my favorite students and coworkers everyday.  Summer will be a great break though that I get to see my absolute favorite student and (not so little) baby everyday.

One of the kids thought he'd sign my hand since I don't have a yearbook.

Our 3k run shirts were very bright.

Everyone kept asking to "take a selfie" with me on the last day of school.  Oh, how times have changed.  These kids are so funny.

Here are a few randoms from earlier in the month:

Mother's Day with my boy!

Mmmm....Chocolate Ice Cream faces!!  We love it.

We both got a stomach bug a few weeks back.  Saltines were our friends!

One of his favorite things to do is to play peek-a-boo with his baskets now

Or to give his stuffed animals "loves"

Today, of course, is Jimmie's first birthday.  We have loved today.   He's been waking up very early recently and today was no exception.  We got up and made/ate some Swedish Pancakes.  He loved the strawberry/whipped cream ones.  After his first nap, we opened presents and played with the tons and tons of presents.  He still didn't care a ton to open presents.  He preferred the ones that were just in tissue paper and bags.  After presents, we went outside and did a cake smash...which of course was required lots of cleanups and baths.

Jimmie was super excited when Daddy came home from work!

Swedish Pancakes are so tasty!

Jimmie's little cake to destroy later on in the day

When he woke up from his nap, we had put his presents all in a pile.  This was his face when we walked into the living room and he saw this:

Could you help me with this one, please?

"Oh, look Daddy! I'm in a stroller with a basketball!!"

Bows, bows, bows!

We didn't do a great job of documenting what we opened.  But here's a shot of some of his things before we wrapped them.  

Looking at some birthday cards.

Apparently, the party hat is more delicious!

After lunch and another nap we went down to the park down the street.  We got to use our new Mickey Mouse umbrella stroller that Jimmie got for his birthday.  He also got some swim stuff and we had planned to go to the splash park.  Unfortunately it was a little bit windy and a little too chilly for that to happen today.  We ordered pizza because we thought it'd be fun to let Jimmie try some.  Poor kid had had a long day though and fell asleep before it even got here.  He'll have to try a little piece tomorrow.

Here are a few videos to share:


  1. Looks like you guys had great birthdays! Fantastic pics all around! :)

  2. There are so many creative fun things in this post. Happy Birthday, Emily and Jimmie and we hope your summer is wonderful!!!
