Saturday, June 7, 2014

Adventures of a 1 year old

Boy, he is growing fast!  Wasn't it just last week that he turned 1?  He's about 1 going on 15.  How do I know this?  Yesterday he shut his bedroom door in my face while I was talking to him.  Nice.

Playing with his Mega Blocks from Grammy for his birthday

Check out that crib rail....!  Apparently, his crib is great for teething.  ICK!  Apparently a half a tooth can do a lot of damage.  It's like this alllll along the rail.  I don't want the crib ruined, but most of all, I don't want that junk from the crib being eaten!  
We now have a crib railing protector thing.  (Pretty sure that's exactly what it's called ;) )

Jimmie has learned how to point.  It's really cute, and can be helpful when determining what he wants.  It can also be a little uncomfortable when we are going through the grocery store and he chooses one person to just stare at and point at... the whole time.  Hahaha, at least he's cute about it?  Most people just laugh it off.  

The other day we got together with Rachel and her two little ones and went to the Provo splash park.  It was a bunch of fun to play in water, play with bubbles, snack and relax.
Jimmie did okay with the splash park. Sometimes he thought it was funny, sometimes he was unsure.  Overall, he liked it :)  He even stood on his own and took a few steps on his own...until some bigger kids went running by and knocked him over.  Haha, then he decided he was quite done.  
We were a little too busy having fun to take pictures.  So here are a few shots of him in his swim suit.

This kid has been eating so much food.  Ever since a few days after he turned 1...he has been doing so many big kid things!  He all of a sudden loves feeding himself and will eat basically everything we put in front of him.  
His current favorites: 
Grilled Cheese
Cooked apples w/ cinnamon

Yes.  Those are in order of his preferences :)

Along with growing in size and age...his personality has also become unbelievably cute.  All I wanted to do was get a picture of him in his swimming suit.  Instead, he saw the camera, I put it on "self facing" so he could see himself, and this is what I get.  Haha!

Doing some of his favorite things... pulling out every DVD or turning off the Tv/cable box.

Just walking around.
He's become a really great walker.  Still not perfect, but he has become more and more confident with it.  Today as I was writing this, he walked from the couch where I'm sitting to the corner of his room by his crib.  He played there for about 5 minutes, stood up, and walked right on back.  He's still a little wobbly and he's still not totally comfortable with it, but he sure loves to try!  He just keeps practicing.  I'd say he crawls 1/3 the time, walks with a toy 1/3 of the time, and walks on his own the other 1/3 of the time.   
I got a very cute puzzle for my birthday from Jim's mom and finally had a bit of time to do it!  It's been forever since I'd done a puzzle.  I forgot how awesome they were! And could it be any cuter?

As part of my mother's day gift, Jim got me a subscription to Rachael Ray's magazine.  Along with that, Jim has agreed to start trying new foods.  4-5 dinners out of the week will be something new to try.  Sometimes I've had it, sometimes I haven't.  Sometimes they're "healthier", sometimes they're not.  But it's a step in the right direction.  We start with just trying new foods and will eventually get to liking them and trying to both eat healthier.  Jim's mom, Carol, has been a huge inspiration!  She has been doing great at eating healthy and working out and has lost about 50 pounds in just a few months.  She's awesome!!
So far, Jim has really liked or LOVED all of the meals I've tried.  We've only done it a few days so far..but that's pretty good in my book!!  We're expanding our repertoire of food.

Speaking of which, Jimmie has now mastered the sippy cup.  He now understands that he needs to actually tilt his head back to get something out of it.  And boy, does he love drinking! (Water, Apple juice, and Soymilk that is!) 
He's got a bit of an intolerance to cows milk.  Not enough that he can't have dairy, but he doesn't do well with about 20 oz a day of just straight milk.  He still has yogurt, cheese, ice cream etc.  Just as long as it's in small doses.  He seems to love the soymilk and so far, no problems!  Fingers crossed...

He's also to the age where he loves his stuffed animals.  He will go around his room and pick them up one by one and give each of them a love.  This one is Puppy and it's the lucky one he sleeps with every night.

Yup, here he is loving some watermelon.  I've now learned I cannot give him more than one piece at a time because this is the one food that he will try and shove all in his mouth at once.  Silly guy.

Uncle Marc (Jim's brother) got Jimmie these fun bathtub drums for his birthday.  He cant quite figure out what is a drumstick and what's a teething toy, but he enjoys them anyway!

Another thing Jimmie loves to do is dance.  We normally have dance parties together at least every other day.  In this video, I started to play his favorite song while he was playing.  So you get, half dance, half distracted by toys.  I don't have any videos of him full on dancing because normally, I'm dancing with him...not taking video.  He loves this song!

Another toy he got for his birthday back in April was this Dinosaur toy that comes with a set of plastic balls.  The pit of the dinosaur bounces the balls around and Jimmie thinks it's great fun!  He generally understands he has to go get the balls when they bounce out and then put them back in.
Thanks Great Grandma Foulk!!!

My favorite thing that he's started to do is his communication.  Aside from pointing to things, he will normally say "uh huh" or something along those lines to indicate "yes".  He's not really one to say "no" (yet), so if I ask him a question and the answer is "no", he will just not say anything.

The time that he answers me most of the time has to do with diaper changes, eating, or taking a nap.  The second he starts to get a little fussy, I can normally ask him, "Jimmie, do you want to take a nap?" and he almost always will say, "Uh huhhh" in his tired little whiney voice.  It's adorable. 

Sure love watching this little guy grow, learn, and discover new things every day!  


  1. I just love seeing how much Jimmie has grown! Not only physically, but all the stuff he is learning! He sure is a wonderful little guy and I love him so much! I'm so glad he enjoys the gifts that Marc and I have given him. Its so nice to see him enjoying them. And great job on getting Jim to try new foods! :)

  2. It was so fun spending time with you guys back here when you came for the reunion. Jimmie is so cute when he walks around....just like a little man. Thanks so much for coming. These little ones grow so fast and it is such a blessing to see them while they do it. Love you!!
