I fully intended to nap right now. It's Sunday, I'm sick, and Jimmie is down for his first nap. But as I laid down to rest, my mind would not turn off. In 2 weeks, my precious little baby will turn 1. I'm not typically the kind to show emotion, but I can't help but be overwhelmed with all kinds of emotions. Gratitude, sadness, excitement, anticipation, and above all a love that cannot be described. I am so grateful that this little blessing, of 6 lbs 10 oz, came into our lives nearly a year ago. He has enriched every day. He has brought Jim and I closer than I ever thought possible. He has made us better people as we strive to set a better example for our little man... To be kinder, to be healthier, to be more patient, to express your thanks and love, to love The Lord, to be respectful, to smile, laugh, and overall: enjoy life.
A lot has happened in the year. When it all happens, you think you will remember all of it. How could you not? It's so monumental for that day or week. I'm grateful that I've been able to record my thoughts and capture moments with picture and video. Between long days at work or school, sleepless nights, ear infections and colds, bedsharing and sleep training, it's no wonder that we forget.
You would think that times of reflection normally come at the end of the year. You know, "A Look back on 2013". But it's funny how being a Mom changes your perspective. Sure, I looked back on 2013 with fond memories at New Years Eve. But suddenly with kids, it becomes less about you and more about them. Afterall, last May is when we started to understand more fully what life really is all about and the beauty of bringing new life in the world. To raise a precious child of God who has been entrusted to your care. And boy, did we hit the jackpot with the sweetest, best little baby!
I have always said Jimmie is such a "good baby". Even his delivery was easier than I could have imagined. One of the nurses joked that because I'd had such an easy time physically delivering him, he'd make it up with torture and craziness through his behavior during the upcoming weeks. From the moment he was born, he was just a sweet little guy. Those first few nights were a little rough as he got used to this world and we got used to physically having him in ours. But once we got home, Jimmie was sleeping 3-5 hours at a time during the night and a great napper during the day. His awesome sleep patterns continued. He very rarely seemed to go through "sleep regression" and the only changes he made was sleeping MORE. Once we got him to sleep in his crib and figured out his schedule, things got even better. He was sleeping from 6 pm-7:30 am...through the night without even crying once! Now he sleeps from about 7:30 or 8pm- 6:15am. Not quite as awesome, but we'll take it! How does he go to bed? Well, you feed him dinner and a bottle, bathe him, put his pajamas on, read a book/picture scriptures and just lay him in his crib. He's awake, but has his binky, his puppy, and his blanket. He sleeps on his Philly Phanatic pillow pet and listens to his sleep sheep. He normally lays in bed awake for a little while, but doesn't make a sound. And eventually, he just goes to sleep. No whimpers or whines as I leave the room. No rocking, walking, singing, and bouncing. Just lay him down and we're done. Talk about easy! Ah, and he naps 2 times a day for several hours each time. Win! (Okay, now I'm just bragging)
Nursing took a bit of getting used to, but once we got the hang of that, he was great at that too. He didn't need Mom to be on any special kind of diet, which was nice. He has continued to be a great eater as he will now try most anything and eat it WELL! (Let's hope he keeps this trait that he got from Mommy ;) ) He will try and eat with utensils, with his fingers, or be spoon-fed. He doesn't swat the spoon or push it away. He just eats! Now that we've stopped nursing and gone to bottles, he takes a bottle, lays down, and just drinks the whole thing without stopping. 5 minutes later he is up and moving around. As Great Grandma Foulk says, "I've never seen a baby eat as well as he does! He's a really good eater!" And we are grateful for it. He has no allergies that we know of so far.
There was a moment in time that I was concerned that he had a health problem because he was almost TOO good. He is (well, more like was) a very quiet baby. He would just sit down and play quietly by himself for as long as you wanted him to. Perfectly content to entertain himself. There were times that I would look at Jimmie and think "Is this real life? Babies just aren't THIS good! I mean they might be good nappers, or good sleepers, or good eaters, or well tempered... but all of them? It's just not possible!!". I wouldn't have believed it before Jimmie. We've been spoiled rotten with such a sweet little charmer who is just an angel of a baby. We may be very unprepared and in for a rude awakening when we have another. (Note: This is not an announcement. You can just calm down there).
As I closed my eyes to sleep, I took a moment to just think about the last year and see what memories jumped out at me. There's no telling why these memories stick out in my mind, but they're engrained in there. They're probably not in order at all either. I figure in the next few weeks I will be so busy with finishing work, my birthday, doctors appointments, and Jimmie's birthday, there will be a lot to blog about in a few weeks so I should get this done a few weeks out. Anyway, here they are:
Holding Jimmie for the first time. He was SO little and so sad, yet somehow, our voices seemed to calm him down. For a moment, there was a moment of panic. "Oh, this is REAL now!?"
After we were wheeled down to the recovery rooms, Jim went with Jimmie to the nursery where they gave him shots and bathed him. They took me to the room to get situated. I vividly remember calling my parents and they brought Jimmie back as soon as we got off the phone. This was the first picture we took together out of the delivery room. Asleep already.
There were many concerns about going home. His blood sugar was continually low and we needed to supplement with formula. Jimmie was a good sleeper (for the most part. Thankfully Grandma Foulk was there to help when he wasn't.) However, I was NOT a good sleeper. I was paranoid. For the first several months of his life, he slept in a Rock N Play by our bed. I think for the first few weeks I slept with my hand beside him or on him to feel his chest rise and fall.
Within the first week of Jimmie's life, I was still adjusting to nursing. For a while, I needed a few other supplies to help Jimmie to be able to nurse. Unfortunately, one of these things was very small and plastic. And apparently, a fun treat for Nala...because she ate it! Which I realized once Jimmie woke up to eat and I couldn't feed him. Thankfully Grandma Foulk was there to help in the panicky situation. Oh, Nala!
I thought for sure Jimmie would just be wearing 0-3 month clothes when he was born. Most babies on my side of the family are big! Little did I know, he would be swimming in his Newborn sizes and we would end up shopping at Walmart for some Premie sizes.
Swimming in Newborn sizes & Finally some clothes that fit!
I don't have a video of either of these but I remember the first time he smiled (intentionally) at me around 5 weeks and the first time he laughed. Such fun moments. Here's a tickling video anyway :)
First Smiles (captured on camera)
Going to the base of Y mountain was something that we did when Grammy was here and when Mom Mom came to visit with Aunt Donna and Amanda. I just remember standing on the mountain and looking out over all of Provo. Everything seemed so big. There was so much out there! And Jimmie was just so small. It reminded me that there is so much ahead.
Lots of fun moments when family came to visit!
The Brain Stem Test
Watching Jimmie being sedated at 6 weeks old was taxing to say the least. It was a very sad thing to watch. Thankfully it was not for anything that turned out to be serious. But it will forever be one of the most vivid moments that I have of the first few weeks as it was plenty scary. Nobody wants to see their sweet baby hooked up to wires and monitors and being scared.
Recovery was pretty funny though. I can't get the video because it was on Jim's phone, but if you follow him on Instagram, you should go watch his video (It's easy to find, he doesn't post much)
Jimmie's first flight at 2.5 months old on our way to the Foulk family reunion in TN. He did pretty stinkin' well!
And getting to meet most of my family for the first time:
Always loving Patty Cake
Aunt Kim and Grandpop coming to visit
Grandpa Foulk coming to visit for Jimmie's Baby Blessing
Going to Seven Peaks for the first time and not caring too much for the water!
Playing with Nala. All the time!
Watching Jimmie try and sit up by himself for the first time
Meeting Karsten and learning about smells through Thanksgiving!
First Christmas
Always dancing to every beat...or even when there's not one!
Saying Goodbye to Nala
(Okay this one's not exactly about Jimmie... but I associate it with him because that was one of the reasons why it was so hard to give her up. They had become such great pals!)
Walking and running with his walker... everywhere! (Note: He's much faster now and can turn that thing any way he pleases)
The major fear of GRASS! (and the eventual "getting over it")
First Easter
And of course, lots and lots of snuggles <3
I can't quite believe that it's been a year already...yet at the same time I can't believe it's only been a year! It's hard to remember life before Jimmie. He has blessed our lives beyond measure.
We love you, Jimmie!
Beautiful post! Made me tear up right here at my desk at work. lol You and Jim have definitely been blessed with this sweet little boy. I just wish I was able to see him more often (and you & Jim too, of course). I can't believe how fast this year has gone. I can't wait to see what the future holds for you both. I'm so proud of how wonderful you both are doing as parents and as husband and wife. I love all three of you so much.