Wednesday, June 29, 2016

May Happenings

May was a busy and exciting time! May brought the Oxborrow's (Steph's family) to Medford as Marc's job has transferred him to the Philadelphia area. It has been so fun to have their family nearby for frequent get togethers! Especially for the cousins :) Lorelei is obsessed with Dawson.

May also brings about some of the greatest times as the kids begin exploring outside and enjoying all of the fun things that come with it. Jimmie loves the trampoline!

Sweet girl with the baby blues

There's a nice smile! Lorelei and Jimmie have loved getting to go to Daddy's every other weekend. They sure do love him!

 May also brings some up's and down's with the weather. Sometimes we had some randomly chilly and rainy days...but that didn't stop them!

Lorelei with her best friend, Dawson.

Isn't he just the cutest!!

 Once again this year, Evan was involved with his school play. The Olson Middle School did a nice job of putting on the Alice in Wonderland, Jr. Evan worked very hard and did a fabulous job of playing the head of the caterpillar!

He even had a little solo :) All of the kids did a great job. It was fun to be able to see this year since I've had the opportunity to get to know so many of the students there through my substitute teaching.

Back as a butterfly.

 We got to have a video call with Uncle Nate on his mission for Mother's Day. It was so fun to be able to see and talk to him and hear all about the wonderful work that he's doing in Russia.

So grateful for this lovely mother of mine and the wonderful care she takes of all of us. Miss Lorelei sure does love her Grandma!!

Sweet girl with her bunny.

Boy, we're pretty lucky, huh?

This girl is all rough and tumble. Loves adventure. Loves to chase bugs. Loves to play in the dirt!

Spring time is garden time! This year we planted all beans and some pepper plants in our plot garden (plus the rhubarb that came back) Our other vegetables... yellow squash, zucchini, tomatoes, herbs are all in containers by the pool.  Trying some new things this year!

 He's getting so big and clearly loving it.

But he still needs his Mommy sometimes :) 

Her hair is getting longer...and sometimes gets a little crazy. 

Pretty lucky to have both of these two smugglers

Big girl full of crazy expressions!

...and full of creating eating methods!

Lorelei and Dawson giving "loves"

On Memorial Day weekend, the Robertson's came down to visit. It was great to see them! 

 Dad got Grandpa's old car out and it was fun to ride around in it for the weekend.

And clearly, James enjoyed the trampoline with his cousin. Haha!

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