Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Happy Birthday to Me!

First of all, I need to start off by being so thankful for modern technology!
I don't have very much storage space on my phone at all (we're talking about 8g overall, which is even less when you take into account the operating system and everything on there)
By the time you install the basic apps, there's little to no room for pictures.

Since the end of May was a crazy and exciting time, I was uploading pictures to my computer and deleting them from my phone almost every day. I wanted to be sure to have enough space for all of the fun things that we were doing! 

Unfortunately, as I went to document my birthday, I could not find these pictures ANYWHERE. It would seem that I have pictures from immediately before, and immediately after...just not the actual day.  I must have thought I uploaded them and deleted them from my phone before it actually completed.

Normally I wound's have had so much to share about my birthday, but as part of my birthday present from Grandma Foulk, I was able to go to the Chinese Lantern Festival in Franklin Square in Philadelphia. It was AMAZING and so fun to go with Stephanie and Grandma Foulk.

We left the kids at home and had such a fun time together. Thankfully, once I got home from the awesome night, I instagrammed a few of my favorite pictures. So they may not be the best quality, but they're better than nothing! I am so sad that I lost hundreds of pictures from that night.  But in reality, the most important thing was that I had so much fun with two awesome members of my family.

And can I just say, it feels a little weird to be 25? Strange.

Me with Grandma Caroline Foulk before it got dark!

Me, Grandma, Stephanie. Love these guys!

A few examples of the cool displays they had!

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