Sunday, August 10, 2014

Catching Up

Well, after skipping a full 2 months, I guess I should finally catch up on my blog!  Summer has been good to us so far.  It's been nice to relax and hang out with Jimmie and just spend some time as a family.

Around June, we decided that Jimmie and myself would go home to New Jersey for two weeks in July.  My mom's family was having a family reunion in upstate New York and we were fortunate enough to be able to visit.  We had a full extra week to spend in NJ to visit family after the reunion.  Jim's family didn't know we were coming and we were going to surprise them.  If you know me, you know I'm TERRIBLE with secrets.  So keeping that secret for an entire month was not easy.  I'm guessing that's one of the reasons why I stopped posting as often… didn't want to give anything away!

I don't know if I ever posted an update about my current working situation.  School obviously ended in May.  Since mid-May, I've been working at home as a virtual assistant to a real estate agent out of Georgia.  It's a great job as it allows me to stay at home with Jimmie and do my work during his nap times or after he goes to sleep.  I'm grateful for the opportunity to stay home with my little guy and still be able to do some work.

Here are some shots between the beginning of June and our trip out east in July!

Just some silly friends hanging out!

Just being a real big boy.

We're grateful to have a bit of a lawn out here at this place.  It's nice because our Wi-Fi reaches out to the yard, so I'm able to come outside and do my work in a lawn chair while Jimmie plays.  
Unfortunately for the majority of the summer so far, we have had construction out on our road all day long.  It's not the safest out there right now and often times filled with smoke (thanks construction crews).  It's been a bit frustrating because instead of just walking down the road to the park, we now have to walk a bit out of the way.  More exercise!

We'll be excited when the construction is over to say the least.

It was also Father's Day back in June.  It was great to be able to celebrate such a wonderful husband and Daddy.  Jimmie was happy to do some fingerprinting for his Dad and do some great coloring for his signature on a card.  

Back in May, for my birthday, I got this really cool kitchen tool called the Onion Chopper.  It's a pretty sweet deal.  We have loved it to help me cook but also it's been great to chop up lots of Jimmie's food in perfect size pieces for him to pick up and chew.  Especially since he still only has 2 little bottom teeth.  This was a little veggie stir fry that we whipped up one night in about 2 minutes. 

Being so silly

We also had the chance, right around Father's day, to go to a local fair in Orem.  We didn't spend a ton of time there, but the perfect amount of time for us.  Here are some cute shots of the day.

The boy loves his stuffed animals

One of our sunny park days

It's a tough life.  Just relaxing on his little couch.

Being a big boy like Daddy, all ready to go to work!

Little piggy

He's a ham.

Chick-fil-a Day…dress up like a cow, get free food!  We didn't get pictures of Jim and I, but we all dressed up.  And Jimmie, well, he left one spot on and the headband on for a few seconds.  We still had some costumes from last year.

Jimmie QUITE liked it.  It also happened to be free slurpee day that day.  

Lots of loves

We're loving the fresh fruits of summer!

Snuggly boy...

Can also be "throwing major tantrum" boy...

But overall, he's pretty much still stinking cute!!