Friday, January 31, 2014

8 Months, Baby!

Baby Jimmie is getting too big!!

Our little boy is 8 months old today.  He was not super happy about taking monthly pictures today.  It was also a bit difficult to take pictures because within the last few days, our little scooter/roller/backwards crawler has learned how to crawl in proper format...and fast! So, so fast!

He is crawling and trying to pull himself up on everything.  He's squatting, rolling, bouncing, kneeling... everywhere! He just likes to MOVE!
He is continuing to eat solid foods and trying a bit more of baby led weaning where he picks up solid foods on his own to eat.
He is also able to sit up like a champ.  I'm not talking "staying sitting up" but that he literally pops up off of the floor, crib, wherever he is laying, and is sitting in seconds.  It makes it difficult when he's having trouble falling asleep.  Instead of laying there and crying, he will sit up and scoot to the corner of his crib, hang his head, and cry.  It is the saddest, most pathetic thing ever. 

Most up to date stats:
20.0 lbs
27.5 inches
Size 12 month clothes
His favorite actions: Waving hi & bye bye, talking on the toy phone, changing the channel
Favorite words: Ma ma ma & starting to say ba ba
Favorite foods: Apples, Yogurt mixed with anything

Attempting a smile after many tears!

A bit of a sloucher, but we got a little smile there...

 "I'm getting off the chair Mommy..."

"Oh dang! You got me!" 

 Love playing with this kid

 Hanging with Daddy

 Lots of changes have been going on in this last month.  Though Jimmie has been teething for a while, it's become more intense in the last few days and it feels like there's one about to cut through

Jimmie is on a mission... to get every toy and everything that he shouldn't within seconds!

Earlier in the month...

 Kisses for Mommy

 Not loving the cold, winter weather

 Sometimes our days feel very long...

Aunt Meg came to visit over MLK weekend

Eating some sweet potato yogurt

Got my diploma in the mail!

Those eyelashes...

Smiles after work with Mommy!

 Being so silly!

 Just saying some prayers

Entertaining my parents

Just talking on the phone

Standing up (after some help) and dancing a little

Trying to get up there himself
But so far, no luck!


  1. Such sweet, sweet photos!!! Can't believe how big his is!!! His little poses are so funny.....good luck trying to say no to those sweet little looks. :) Miss you

  2. I just love these blogs!! He's getting sooo big!

  3. OH my gosh, how cute! Can't believe how big he's getting! I am catching up on all blogs from the last couple of months!
