Saturday, February 8, 2014

Little Tornado

We have officially entered the stage of extremely mobile baby who wants everything! I had to laugh at how things went this morning. 

Doesn't matter how many times we pick these toys up...Jimmie is dumping the whole box out and spreading them across the floor in minutes. 

We are also having a hard time keeping Jimmie and Nala apart. If I'm doing something on the couch he likes to crawl into her crate. However when I pick him up and come sit him down on the the time I sit back down on the couch he is back in the dining room!! 

So like we did when Nala was a puppy...we got out the Sterlite storage containers out as a blockade. 
 Jimmie has learned how to push them out of the way. Nala has learned how to squeeze under part of Jim's desk to get through. 

We also try and climb over the boxes...silly guy! 

And a new food update...we really hate oatmeal. It's only good to smear all over your face, hands, and clothes apparently!

But we like cottage cheese!

We will try and keep doing smaller more frequent updates. It's really about the only way I can keep up with this kid! 

1 comment:

  1. haha He's pretty smart! It can be frustrating trying to get things done when he's so mobile, but its such a fun time, too!
