Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Here and There throughout Summer

I've really skipped a lot of things this summer and now just have a ton of pictures from throughout the summer that don't necessarily go with one theme or another.  So here are some random pictures from throughout the summer…all the way back from the beginning of June!  They're not necessarily in order, but most of them are.

He just looks so big here.. and this was months ago!

I've loved having a job where I can work at home.  We have a pretty big yard on both sides of our apartment so on the nice (not TOO hot) days, we've been able to go outside… Mom brings a lawn chair, the laptop, and sits in the shade while Jimmie gets to run around outside.  It's pretty fun!  It's a bit more difficult now that he can run, but it was very convenient while it lasted!

Love getting to work on some art projects… Jimmie got finger paints for his birthday.  And boy, they're so fun!

Still loving these little baskets…what a ham. 

For Father's Day (well, the day before) we went over to Orem's Summer Carnival.  It was a lot of fun and Jimmie quite liked the carousel! 

He sure is a good Daddy!!

Loving his stuffed animals..

Just going to work like Daddy with his badge...

Free Chick-Fil-A day… he did have more cow spots on ;)

aaaand free slurpee day.

Sometimes… days are pretty hard.   And so the tantrums begin.

Mid-June we found out we were expecting another baby!

(This ultrasound was actually July 4)

Of course…we told Jimmie that he's going to be a Big Brother and that there was a baby in Mommy's tummy….so this is what I get at LEAST 3 times a day…
Looking to see if he can see the baby in Mom's tummy.  
He's just always gotta make sure my tummy is still there and would like me to leave my shirt up. 

We told our family earlier, but after 13 weeks, we decided we would share the news with others in a fun way.  It was way too much fun to take these pictures, I had to share a few.  Easy enough…my baking coat + a piece of computer paper wrapped in a circle with some tissue paper on top. 
I think he makes one cute chef!!

Here's our actual announcement for baby #2:


He loves these sun glasses!

Getting so big!

So happy when he wakes up in the morning!

Not sure why he decided to lay like this… he sandwiched himself between the couch and ottoman.

Just driving around with all my pals.

Just trying out some 'sghetti for the first time

Growing too much :(

We've rearranged our house.  Finally got a baby gate to keep Mr. Destructor out.  We can't drill into the cabinets and so far no other baby proofing has worked.  We need every drawer/cupboard available in our little place so we just block it off.  It's been so great!

We also got some great furniture from my aunt and uncle, Bruce and Jennifer Himes, that they were getting rid of.  We are LOVING them!! So blessed to have such generous people in our lives!
I have never had a rocker recliner before and was really wanting one with this next baby.  Low and behold she sends me a message a few days after we found out before anyone else knew!  It was great timing. 

Just because you can fit…doesn't mean you should sit.

We've been fighting off colds and sickness over here the last few weeks.  

A pregnant shot at about… 16 weeks?  
We had a Dr. appt and ultrasound at 15+ weeks but didn't get any new pictures.
The doctor couldn't be SURE of the gender.  
We have a more accurate, in-depth ultrasound at the hospital on the 24th of this month,
so we will know the gender some time after that!

Jimmie is becoming more and more independent every day…just brushing his hair.

Exploring outside in his big boy sneakers. 

A little snapshot of his 3 awkward teeth. Love 'em!

Just trying out a dum-dum from the bank.  He really did like it!

Doing some reading on his own

Check out my sweet shirt from Aunt Kim!

Check out my big boy sneakers...

And he loves relaxing in the tub!

That's all we've got for now!  Jimmie continues to get bigger and more independent every day.  Unfortunately he is already entering the stage of getting so frustrated because he wants to be independent and cant communicate through words yet.  That's resulting in tantrums, hitting, biting, screaming… all the fun stuff!  He is a good little helper though and so fun to play with every day :) even when he is being a total stinker!!


  1. Super cute pics! I just love watching his progress through your photos! He's really grown alot!

  2. He is getting sooo big....unbelievable!!!!
