Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Day in Salt Lake

Megan has come back out west to head back to school in Rexburg, ID.  She flew into Salt Lake City, so we drove up to meet her up there and spend some time together before she drove up to Idaho with a friend. 
It was really great to be out of the house for the day and visit, but it also turned out to be a very long day for us.  We ended up being out for the majority of the day.  I think we need to start out on shorter outings and work up to all day outings.  I get very tired, very quickly nowadays and am suffering severely from pregnancy brain ;) That lack of thinking straight seems to make the day much longer than it needs to be.

We got to walk around temple square and City Creek Mall, grab some lunch, and visit

Aunt Meg and Jimmie at the Salt Lake Temple.  Turns out they dressed to match

Or root for the Denver Broncos ;)

Mommy & Jimmie

A little closer up

What a stud. 

Jimmie loved running around temple square.  Now that he's been wearing his big clunky sneakers, he loves to just stomp around everywhere we go.  He's quite proud of himself I think.

It was also great to have Aunt Meg willing to follow him around and let him explore.  A great exercise!

We took a ton of pictures :)

Tried to get a group shot with Jimmie...

He just always wants to be the center of attention ;)

Myself and Meg

Doing some more 'splorin

He just sure loves to push his stroller.  What a big kid.
After dropping Megan off in Kaysville (a bit north of SLC), we continued to the next town up to Layton where we have some friends that we met at the park.
My friend Kari has a little boy Wesley who is just 25 days younger than Jimmie 
(though you may not guess that from these photos)
They're still kind of at the age where they just do their own thing…not overly fascinated with each other.  But for the few moments that they did interact, they sure thought they were pretty funny!

Look how cute these two are!

He was fascinated with the wood chips at the park.  

He also loved to gather sticks. I could not keep up with him!

Little angels. 

Kari took this shot of me feeding W.  I thought I'd include it since you can kinda see the little baby bump there.

 I had been sick for the week prior and was just starting to recover.  I thought that Jimmie had escaped being sick but the next day he started getting a runny nose and sleeping weird.  I guess he came down with my cold, but I sure don't mind his snuggles!

His room just became a disaster every day.  He has so much stuff, it's impossible to keep it clean.  Finally, feeling a bit better on Monday, Jimmie and I spent the day deep cleaning his room and organizing his toys.  Now we can keep it somewhat clean, haha!  It just feels so much less cluttered and wonderful.

A not as flattering shot from today.  Nonetheless, I feel like I should document this pregnancy.  I was way better at it last time.  Anyway, today I'm 18 weeks, 1 day.  Not looking "huge" but so startling to me as I looked back at old pictures from being pregnant with Jimmie.  I was about this big when I was about 25 weeks.   I guess second pregnancies really are different!

I'm feeling great and seem to have more energy than ever (on most days).  We have an appointment on September 24th (a week from today) for an in-depth ultrasound.  We will have the doctor write down the gender of the baby and have a gender reveal that weekend when Megan comes down to visit.  
We are pretty excited for that!


  1. Looks like you guys had a great time, even if it was a long day! I'm really excited to find out what you are having! Have I said that before? haha I feel like I have. But its true!

  2. Karsten loves pushing his stroller too haha - we take it places not for him to ride in but for him to push and entertain himself ;) Very cute pictures at the temple!
