Sunday, February 21, 2016

Thanksgiving in New Jersey - November 2015

Just before Thanksgiving, Jimmie got to experience raking up the leaves for the first time! We really didn't have to do as many leaves as I remember doing as kids. It's nice to have a big leaf blower! There was some upkeep throughout the fall to just do a quick blow-off of everything and then one big day of everyone helping to do the "deep clean" of the lawn. 

Needless to say, this sweet boy had a blast! And, it was a gorgeous day.

A 9 month old little miss!

For Thanksgiving, we had lots of people who were able to come. Steph's family (minus Marc) was able to come a week before Thanksgiving. Jimmie LOVED meeting his new cousin, Dawson. He was protective, gentle, and loving with him and couldn't get enough.

These two are quite the little pair. Jimmie and Karsten enjoying some TV together.

Lorelei learning how to walk with her walker toy.

Jimmie checking out Dawson with Grandma

That feeling when you have to wait more than 3 seconds for your cookie.

Smiley, baby Dawson! About a month and a half here.

Jimmie also transitioned from crib to toddler bed. He had the side railing on for a little while but now doesn't use it anymore.  He doesn't like his bed to be made up with a sheet and a blanket. After one night of his new bed, I came into this one day.  Hmm... Now he sleeps with no blankets at all. In fact, he won't even let you put a blanket on him. So strange! But, that's how he likes it!

As we got closer to Thanksgiving, the Roberstons arrived! This group of kids was pretty unstoppable.

A few weeks before Thanksgiving, it was a little chilly.  The kids still wanted to go outside so we bundled up and headed out! 

Playing in the leaves.

Jumping on the trampoline on a GORGEOUS Thanksgiving Day

Little Ms. Attitude

Loves her little dolly

Our impressive Thanksgiving dessert spread

Lorelei and Karsten in the wagon

Lucy taking a turn on the quad

Marc and Geoff were able to drive out the day before Thanksgiving to join the rest of the family. 
Here's a shot of Marc with his son, Dawson.

Our fearless Thanksgiving leader

A nice shot of Evan

Karsten and Jimmie liked to play this game where they lift up the back cushion of the couch and hide.

Alan picking up acorns. There were SO many acorns this year and those kids loved gathering them all up!

Silly James :)

Jimmie preferring the baby swing, but having a blast

Grandpa pushing Lorelei in the swing!

Alan had a great time playing football!

Everybody on the swings...even Uncle Geoff

A Turkey Bowl going on in the backyard! The boys had fun with this on such a beautiful day!

A nice spiral pass from Uncle Geoff to Alan

Aunt Steph with Lorelei

A shot of the little kids table!

Lucy and Lorelei. The two granddaughters

So sweet!

Mr. Karsten!

All of the grandkids. Poor James was having a hard time with the pictures.

Silly Robertsons!

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