Friday, December 4, 2015

A Bunch of Ketchup! From July to October

In honor of one of Jimmie's favorite foods...which is pretty much it's own food group at this point... here is a "ketchup" post, AKA a "catch up" post. 

I'm a little bummed.  Since I started the blog, I was really good at posting at least once a month about something...sometimes 3-4 times a month.  I guess I've dropped the ball mostly because wrangling two kids is harder than chasing after one and we've moved to New Jersey, so not as many people need updates.  Before it was kind of a way to keep all of our family informed with the goings on with us. But now we are here and most of the "goings on" happen with them.  
Anyway, it feels like I've slighted Lorelei a bit since I didn't document as many of her firsts and how she's grown over the last 6-ish months. After all, in my last post she was wearing 3-6 month clothes.  Now she's in 12-18 month clothes.  She is getting so big! So, sorry if this is a little Lorelei-heavy...Lots of stuff happens to babies under 1!

Here is a brief (as brief as possible) recap of the last several months since July!


These two love each other. I'm so lucky.

Aunt Meg came back from BYUI for a few months this summer.

She came home the same day that Evan came home from his trip to visit family in Idaho. Jimmie helped make and paint this beautiful sign!

It was fun to have the younger half of our family all home at once. This was at a lunch at the new "Pop Shop" in Medford.

Meg, Me, Nate


At the beginning of August, Janelle's family came down to visit and Geoff flew in from Mississippi. It was fun to have a good portion of the crew visiting all at once.  We got to go to Atlantic City together and had a blast!

Everyone was in town because Megan and Nathan were going through the temple for the first time. It was nice to be able to be there and support them in the great decisions they are making in their lives. 

Lorelei has been eating solids for a while now! Here she is trying some baby food (sweet potatoes) for the first time and also trying out her mesh fresh food feeder here.  It's pretty convenient because you can just put all kinds of fresh fruits and veggies in there and let her gnaw on it so that she is feeding herself and keeping herself busy.  Plus frozen fruits are great for when she's teething.

Her hair is also long enough now that she wears clip in bows in her hair.  

Selfie time with Momma!

Happy 6 months to Lorelei!

She's the best little girl a Mommy could wish for!

We took a trip up to Boston to visit Janelle's family and learned that Lorelei hates the car.  Like 1-2 hours is really her max and will fight sleep forever.    
It's the funniest thing.  She can be mid-scream and if we put on this video of 50 Nifty United States that I learned with the 5th graders during my student teaching... she stops and is happy instantly.  Thankfully we have a few tricks up our sleeves to keep her entertained, but even those only last so long. Needless to say, I don't think I need to take any more long car trips for a very long time. 

We got to have a fun summer BBQ with the Robertson's on the night that we got there!

We all went to a fun trampoline place called Altitude and the kiddos loved it!

Lucy and Jimmie riding on their trikes 

Meg, Lucy, Lorelei, and James

Happy 2nd Birthday to Lucy!

Lorelei's first time on the swing!

Ginny had her 11th birthday this year!  Happy Birthday old girl... we love you!


Look at that face! My sweet little 6 (almost 7) month old.

Jimmie has really started loving puzzles.  Especially this Thomas puzzle!

Just creating!

These kids, especially Lorelei, LOVE to swing!!

Lorelei with her Aunt Meg...who accidentally ended up matching one Sunday!

Getting one last swim in before Labor day
Uncle Nate with Jimmie!

A trip to Carlo's Bakery with Aunt Megan!

A few shots together before Meg went back to school
Meg and Grandma Foulk

One day there was a TERRIBLE rain storm.  We decided to go ride the tricycle and play soccer in the rain and it was a hilarious blast. Because who could say no to that face!

We also got to take a trip to the zoo with some friends.  Jimmie had never been before and quite liked the tigers and lions!

A happy 7 months to this sweet girl!!

We got to go to a Phillies game against the Nationals. Even though they lost, it was still a ton of fun.

The Robertson's got to come down for Nate's mission farewell and see Evan's soccer game

Some fun little cupcakes I made with the nephews for Uncle Nate's mission farewell

One last snapshot before he left.  We will sure miss Uncle Nate who left for his 2 year, LDS mission to Yekaterinburg, Russia on the 23rd of September.

Another selfie with the babe.

A trip to the Alpaca Farm

She had been in "crawling position" for a long time but mainly just rolled and scooted quickly to get where she needs to go... But then... she crawled!
...And started getting into everything :)


On October 3, Stephanie and Marc welcomed son Dawson Tucker into the world.  So happy to have a new little nephew!

Now that she's crawling... she can get everything that doesn't belong to her :)

Just baking some cookies! This is his "cheese!" face

Look at this little face...

A fun trip to a little park with Great Grandma Foulk

And then we went pumpkin picking

Happy 8 months to this sweet baby girl!

Getting bigger and pulling herself up on things

And then there's that one time that Lorelei fell from her high chair, face first, onto the kitchen tile and we ended up in the hospital for the night.  She was 100% fine but they wanted to monitor her. That poor little know.

But she was back to her normal happy self pretty quickly!

Playing football and just walking around.  So, so big.

Visiting Mom-mom's house and exploring all around

...and Great Grandma's house!

And then Jimmie learned how to climb out of his crib.  That was an interesting few weeks. 
Most nap times ended up with Jimmie going into his room and (after using child proofing things on the door knobs) playing or reading until he crashed on his floor.  Thankfully, we've adjusted alright by now and he will nap in his bed.

Smiley little girl


If you're still reading this... you deserve a medal! 
Okay... let's never do consecutive months of no blogging again because that felt pretty ridiculous.  Here's to setting goals and trying to accomplish them for the new year!

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