Friday, October 25, 2013

A Few Thoughts

Well, I have finished my last FULL week of school. By this time next week I will have already been finished for over a day and relaxing with my baby in the comfort of my own home.

This week seemed easier and went by WAY quicker than the last. I got more into the groove of things, relaxed a bit more, and just kinda went with the flow. We had some funny moments, some sad, some proud, some embarrassing, and some scary. But they were moments that were lessons learned in one way or another. I've gotten nice drawings from students and angry letters from students, smiles and glares.  But in the end, I hope those kids know I love them and I'm grateful for what they teach me every day. Also, I would just like to note that in the last 2 days we have had students trying to choke one another, a student cut her finger so deeply that it was nearly squirting across the classroom, and a student who had to leave today and go to the hospital for a possible broken arm. Excellent. 5th graders are a little crazy. This will be a placement that I will never forget, for sure. 

These last few days will be easy and hard.  Easier because I'll be turning more lessons gradually back over to my mentor teacher. Harder because the lessons that I DO teach need to be some of the best of my life, I need to get more assessments done, papers graded, grades entered and get all information that I may need to complete assignments. Final observation on Tuesday.  Truthfully, I don't normally care about observations. But this is a big one. So if you wouldn't mind keeping me in your prayers for this one, I could really use it. 

Also, Stephanie's due date was on the 23rd!  No baby yet! We are sending thoughts and prayers your way Steph!! Can't wait to meet this little boy. We love you :)

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