Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Gaining Weight and Baby Crafts!

The last few days have been filled and rather busy.  Monday we had the hearing appointments and then that evening Jimmie started feeling not so great.  He then spent the next 24 hours with a very hurt tummy. Nothing we did could relieve the pain and he wasn't able to pass anything.  Initially and for most of the day it was mostly just fussiness and sad.  
As afternoon/evening approached it became more of violent screams of pain that were absolutely terrifying for me.  I knew he'd be okay but kind of hoped that a doctor would be able to give us some medicine or solution I hadn't already tried.  We stopped by the doctors on the way to dinner with Geoff at Bruce and Jennifer Himes' place and had him looked at for some peace of mind.  (I didn't want to get into the situation I always find myself in where it's the middle of the night and you start wondering, "Should I go to the hospital for this pain/problem?"  I had enough of that during pregnancy and learned my lesson.)

Just hanging out after a long, hard day

Everything turned out just fine.  He was a little warm, but nothing alarming.  The whole purpose of this story is because I was super excited to see was his weight! Last time he was weighed was at 2.5 weeks and he was 7 lbs 2 oz.  Yesterday at 4 weeks 3 days he weighed 8 lbs 11 oz! So, woohoo! Way to go little guy! He is such a good eater.  The Dr. also gave us he suggestion of adding a tsp. of Karo syrup to his food to relieve constipation.  I gave it a try last night and it totally worked! Who knew?!

After so many tears yesterday, I was so happy to wake up to this smiley guy.
So happy I was able to get some of those cute smiles captured!

 He's probably so happy because he's wearing his giraffe outfit :)

In other news, I obviously haven't had a ton of time to get stuff done around here and do as much crafting as I'd like.  However, we did finally get the birth announcements out so those should be coming soon.  Before the several days where little squirt just wanted to be held, I was able to get some projects done!  I have been having so much fun getting these things done.  And by all means, if you have a great baby craft or any craft really, send it my way!!

Some of these I've already shared.  If you want instructions on how to make any of them or would like me to make you one, I'd be glad to! 

Photo Canvas Transfer

Birth Shadowbox
Wall hanging birth announcement 
(I still need to print and hang this one)

 I just think they're so cute! I found this last one on Pinterest that had a template you could download... but of course it wouldn't work for me because you can't open it in a Mac because it's in Publisher.  I wish I still had the link that I could just give it to anyone who wants it.  I just made my own, that looks similar, in Word.  But seriously, especially for the printable birth announcement wall hanging, if you want one, just give me your information and I'll throw one together for you.  Just tell me what colors you like and the information of the baby...boy or girl.  

Any other fun craft suggestions?  It's too hot to be crafting in cake aaaand I'm trying to limit my chocolate intake.  So we resort to non-edible crafts :) Let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Cute, cute crafts, Em. Gotta love those smiles. Glad he is feeling a little better now. Love you!
