There's not too many fun pictures to share because, well, we've been busy! For the most part the majority of March has been either..
(1) Spending the day in the Elementary School
(2) Spending the night at the Cocoa Bean
(3) Spending the afternoons/evenings at Bluehost
...depending on who you're asking :)
Basically in the free time that I do have right now I'm either... sleeping...sleeping...resting... OR writing lesson plans, eating, and every once and a
Like cleaning up after our sweet little puppy who, as it's been increasingly warm, has been shedding like it's nobodies business. I seriously vacuum and/or sweep every day (often multiple times) and mop about every 3 days. She is ridiculous! And that's even AFTER we've brushed her several times in the day! We sure do love her, but boy, is she a mess! It's a good thing we're not allergic.
Sometimes I get out and do some fun things. I was able to go with my good friend, Jennifer, to this concert:
It probably doesn't mean much to most of you, but I'm a big fan of Dallyn Vail Bayles and Sandra Turley is phenomenal as well.
Some of you may recognize Dallyn as Hyrum from the Joseph Smith movie... I discovered who he was when he came and sang at Women's Conference last year and sang this little number from Les Miserables:
Both Dallyn and Sandra have performed in multiple Broadway shows.
Both of them actually starred together in the China premiere of Les Miserables with Colm Wilkinson;
(Dallyn as Enjolras and Sandra as older Cosette)
and apparently that was the last time they performed together. Cool, huh?
ANYWAY, they had a concert in Orem where they sang a ton of Broadway songs and it was incredible.
After the show we went to The Chocolate for some dessert. It was a ton of fun and so good to be able to catch up and visit.
Other than that it's been pretty much same old same old. Sometimes I get pictures of myself from my fourth graders... and clearly, I'm really good looking! Aside from the red thing atop my head, this was actually a fairly accurate drawing of my outfit for the day. Side from the fact that it looks like I'm wearing Uggs and a mini skirt. I can always count on those kids for a good laugh.
This thing came today: I'll put a picture up once it's assembled. If you don't know the story about the changing table debacle, here's a recap. The short story is... we ordered a crib/changing table combo as a deal from Target. Great price! They "canceled" our order for the changing table even though that was the "free gift" we got for buying the crib because it was backordered and then claimed there was no way to reorder it or refund us. After a lot of chaos and long hours on the phone, they still didn't care. We finally posted a comment on Target's Facebook where a social media correspondent replied to our post, apologized, gave us an email and reference number to take care of it and within the course of like 10 hours, the matter was resolved, the money was refunded so we could re-order it and we got the changing table within about 4 days. Assuming it's the right table and it's not broken, we'll be good!
Oh, and it was St. Patrick's Day. So I made some fun pancakes. I have been LOVING pancakes recently. I literally have 2 every day for breakfast. (Well not these pancakes, just regular pancakes...though now I'm kind of on a egg/bagel breakfast sandwich kick.)
But cravings are a relatively new thing. Even though I'm almost 29 weeks, cravings haven't really been a very big deal. I was mostly convinced that it was just women being dramatic and using their pregnancy as an excuse to get the food they wanted. My "cravings" were no different than my "normal cravings" where something sounded or looked really really good to me.
...That changed this week. My mind was so bipolar with the food I wanted and it would fixate on one thing and just NEED it. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately in the long run) this generally happened when I was at home and Jimmie had the car at work so TOO BAD cravings... I rarely got what I needed. Eventually after several hours, they would subside and I'd be dying for something else. Someone posted a picture of a burrito on Instagram from Rancheritos. I have never been there, nor have I ever tried this burrito. But I almost walked the 14 blocks there and the 14 blocks home to get this little treat. I decided to warm up a tortilla and put some cheese on it first. It wasn't the same at all, but it made me come to my senses. What was I thinking? It doesn't even look good to me now. #psychobrain
And you know what I learned during one of these craving episodes? You can't buy Girl Scout cookies online. And their so called "Cookie finder" on their website and app that tells you where you can find a girl scout selling a lie. I know they're around Provo because people have told me they got them outside of Maceys, or at a school. This app says the closest ones are in Wyoming! Lies. I never could find the dumb girl scout cookies so I learned that Keebler sells knockoff Girl Scout cookies IN STORE. Hallelujah! So I got some "Grasshopper" cookies (Thin Mints) and "Coconut Dreams" (Samoas) so that I'm prepared for the next craving attack. The good news is...they taste just as good, they sell them all year round, AND they're cheaper. So...take that Girl Scouts.
So Saturday we took one of the biggest grocery trips ever and STOCKED UP on food. Now I can make whatever I need and have some diversity in our meals. [We were to that point where you really should have gone shopping about 2 weeks ago and have been putting it off. But when you run out of toilet don't have many options left :) ]
On a different note... baby has been busy busy busy! He never stops. It's pretty cool to visibly be able to see movement now. My belly is big enough now that I use it as a table sometimes. I sat my bottle of juice on my tummy while I was sitting on the couch and he kicked it off! The good news is, the lid was on so it didn't spill all over my computer. But lesson learned--baby does not like me sitting things on top of him :) Especially if it's a sugary drink that I just drank that makes him do back flips.
Eh, okay. Not too much else to report! We are doing well here, Jim is loving his new job. Little Jimmie did well at our last doctors appointment and as the doctor said, "You have a very happy and energetic baby". Well, I really should be writing lesson plans since I have work tonight! We have a sub tomorrow (aka I'm teaching all of the lessons for the day) AND a new girl. CRAZY! But this is our last full week of practicum and it has flown by! April is coming quickly, and June will be here before we know it!!