I found this video at the end of this crazy week and thought it was SO funny and adorable... not to mention true. I posted it on Facebook...but if you didn't watch it--you need to! Everyone can use a pep talk every once and a while:
Here's some random snapshots from throughout this week.
This week, I'm 21 weeks. This means--"Woohoo! Over half way there!" but also... "Wow. I'm only half way there." I can't imagine what 30-40 weeks will be like... I'm already ready to have the little guy here! I'm feeling pretty good overall, just anxious to meet him :)
I have an app on my phone that sends funny messages "from" the baby each day that kind of go along with what's happening in the pregnancy/his development. Lots of them are kinda dumb, but I thought these ones were pretty funny:
...yes. Yes, I do.
This picture kinda makes me look bigger than I am.
But I realized I'm getting bigger when I was watching a YouTube video for an assignment, went to bend over to get something for Nala, and my stomach clicked the trackpad on its own and paused my video. That's always good.
Also starting to get quite a bit of "Aww, look at your cute little belly!!" which of course is followed by people touching it. I never realized how weird that was until everyone started doing it to me. (I imagine that only becomes more frequent as time goes on as well )
Kinda funny!
We also have had some CRAZY weather over here this week. We have not seen grass or driveways in over a month with the snow because it's just stayed on the ground.
On Thursday we had some rain because things were "warming up". False. It was like deadly freezing rain and was slick as anything! I'd say probably at least 3/4 of the Provo population (especially students walking to campus) fell at least once that day. I think every other person I saw walking on campus that day fell over.
Luckily I had an early class and got to campus before it got too slippery out there and just decided to stay in the McKay building where all my classes were and just get homework done in between breaks and snack on vending machine food + what I brought from home. By the time I left at 5, it had warmed up a little bit and was a little more manageable to walk on.
The poor people who had to take the ramps to campus ended up holding onto the railings and sliding down. Several people made the best of it, went to DI, and bought some ice skates. 3 or 4 girls in our building fell on campus and had to go to the hospital. One of them hit her head on the way to class, thought she was fine, and then passed out in the middle of class so the paramedics surrounded the McKay building. Very very dangerous day!
This is how I managed to get around campus on Thursday:
I'm just very grateful that I didn't fall, and Jim didn't end up in an accident like these poor people did:
Because the roads were pretty slick too.
It was a pretty great day overall though! Because I was stuck in the building all day, I got all kinds of homework done. My brother-in-law Scott was out in Provo to recruit at BYU's career fair! (Or I guess this one was called the "STEM" Fair. Same concept overall I think. )
Either way, we were lucky enough to be able to find a time that we were all able to get together for dinner at our house with Geoff and have a nice evening together!
It was really good to be able to catch up with everyone and just relax on Thursday night.
This picture looks like no one is paying attention to each other, but I think they must have just been looking something up on their phones haha. Thanks for coming guys!
We've also been training Nala for the last week. We had our trainer come last Wednesday so we've had about a week and a half of training with her and she's been so good. He gave us so many helpful Do's and Don'ts with her and what we really need to work on with her. I didn't realize how much she thought she was in charge until we started working with her. She is such a diva! But she's already well on the way to becoming a perfect little dog.
My only problem is... she's adorable. How do you say no to that face!! We're not supposed to comfort her when she's in her "resolve" stage after being corrected. Aka when she looks tired and sad after throwing her hissy fit and not getting her way. :( Poor Nala. It will be so good for her though. And I guess it's good practice for when the baby comes :)
And sometimes life is just really hard. She's not allowed on her futon anymore, but he said her little trampoline is okay to still give her domain over. Sometimes, she prefers to just hide under it instead, even though she's way too big for it...I have no idea how she gets under there hahaha.
And we've been doing a lot of this as well. Jimmie's been playing for the Ward basketball team. They won on Saturday! Way to go guys!